Hi, I’m Marty Spargo.
I first came to Kuala Lumpur (KL to the locals) in 2004. I was there for 3 weeks and remember being amazed by the city.
The food, the people, the buildings.
Everything seemed so interesting.
Actually, a quick funny story about that first visit… A friend that I was here with for those 3 weeks put on 10kg in those 3 weeks. That’s 22 pounds!
Yes, the food is THAT good.
Over the years I visited KL many more times, but only for a few days at a time.
In early 2018, I spent about 6 weeks in KL and decided to move there soon after.
After getting stuck in Australia while on a 3 week visit (that ended up being about 3 years if you remember what was going on in the world around that time!) I now live in Malaysia once again.
Initially only focussed on Kuala Lumpur, over the years I’ve broadened the scope of the website to cover lots of other places that I travel to as well.
When I travel, I like to be comfortable and generally lean towards premium experiences… but not at any cost.
Cost is certainly an important factor, and if I don’t feel that the price tag is justified, I won’t pay it. So if that sounds like the way that you like to travel, I hope that you find this website useful.
Stay connected
Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn. Just mention “versed travel” in the invitation and I’ll accept.
I’m also active on Quora, Reddit and Twitter or you can email me at marty@versedtravel.com
I’ve been featured in Traveller, Lifehacker, D’Marge, ABC, SMH, Databox, Smart Company, Marketing Mag, Tech Stars, Fits Small Business, CEO Blog Nation, Ad News, NG DATA, Ads of the World, My MMA News, Fundera, Haymarket HQ, Gov Serv, Carol Roth and the State Library of Queensland.